a 50+ Club
The next General Meeting is on Friday,
Feb 28, 2025 Coffee 9:30/Meeting 10:00
Speaker: Mayor Dr. Michael Cao - Arcadia Mayor
Get your 2025 membership, $10
Write check to Arcadia Travelers Club, Inc.
City of Arcadia
COVID-19 Resources
The Traveler Office is open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 12:30 pm

You do not have to live in Arcadia to join. The fee for membership is $10 per calendar year.
Membership is open to seniors 50 years old and
To join, visit the Travel Desk in the Arcadia
Community Center at 365 Campus Drive (adjacent
to Santa Anita Racetrack).
OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on Monday through Friday.
If you are not able to conveniently visit the Travelers Desk, you can join the club by mail. Simply download and fill out the application (click here), enclose a $10 check payable to Arcadia Travelers Club, Inc., and mail to Arcadia Travelers, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
We will mail your membership card to you. NOTE: If you are registering for a trip at the same time you are joining, we ask that you write two separate checks since the membership dues get deposited into a different account.

Come Visit
OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Monday - Friday.
Community Center at 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
CLICK ON “Trip Schedule” TO SEE A SUMMARY OF UPCOMING TRIPS. The “trips” section indicates the starting date for registration.
Note: you must be a club member before registering for any trip. If you are not yet a member, you can both join and register for a trip at the same time.
If it is inconvenient to come to the office, you can register by mail. Please do not do so earlier than one week before the start of registration. Download the registration form and fill it out and write down any meal choice if a meal is included, Enclose a check for the total made payable to Arcadia Travelers Club, Inc. Address to: Arcadia Travelers, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007. Once your registration is confirmed, the boarding pass will be mailed to you.

Perceptions of trip difficulty vary widely so it is often impossible to characterize this in a single word or phrase. We will try to give indications in the trip write-up, and will point out any major considerations (e.g., We will indicate when a site is not wheelchair accessible). The volunteers in the Travel Office will have more details, so if you have questions, please ask.
In most cases, we hope the general information will be sufficient. For example, a theatre trip usually requires no more than being able to enter and leave the bus. Some theatres, such as the Glendale Center Theatre, have steep aisles which you enter at the top, but there is a wheelchair section or you can always sit in the top row (it's a small theatre). Museum trips typically involve walking with strategically-placed benches to sit when necessary. Outdoor events, such as the French Festival in Santa Barbara, involve more walking than other trips.
If you are planning to go on one of our "Long Beach Gondola" tours, please note that you will have to step from the dock into the gondola. Gondolas range from small (2-6 people) to larger (7-14 people), and of course, people will be there to help you get into and out of the gondola.
We want our travelers to know what to expect on a trip. We welcome any suggestions for effective ways to share information relative to the difficulty of our trips.
Monthly Meeting
Next Meeting Feb 28, 2025
The Arcadia Travelers meet the fourth Friday of the month except during November and December in which the meeting is the third Friday of the month, due to the holidays. Meet & Greet Friends from 9:30 to 10:00. The meeting is from 10:00 to11:30. Come and hear the monthly speaker, learn about both day trips and extended trips and enjoy the camaraderie of friends. You may even be a winner of a $10 gift certificate in the raffle. The meetings are held at the Arcadia Community Center and everyone is welcome.